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A Cricketing Masterclass with Middlesex and former England player Sam Robson

A Cricketing Masterclass with Middlesex and former England player Sam Robson

Steven Deakin23 Jun - 07:54
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Come down and enjoy a special evening!

Sam Robson - Richmond is a great club with a long history. I am really looking forward to being back Old Deer Park.

We are proud to announce that Richmond CC have partnered with current Middlesex and former England opening batsman, Sam Robson, to run a Cricketing Masterclass at Old Deer Park on Thursday 4th of July.

The evening promises to be an entertaining insight into what it takes to become a professional cricketer and work your way up to the pinnacle of the sport, Test Match Cricket. With 15,000 runs (and counting) to his name, in a Middlesex and England shirt, Sam has trodden a path few are privileged to take.

The evening will start around 6:30pm and will last around 2 hours. We ask that people arrive for 6:15pm to allow for a prompt start. The event is free of charge and open to all. The evening is not ticketed, just turn up and enjoy.

Running Order:

1. A live Net, where Sam will take to the crease on the main square. Working with his former team mate and RCC Director of Cricket, Adam London, he will talk you through how he goes about constructing an innings. This will be a fully interactive session with those in attendance and is a unique opportunity to get a ring side seat and insight into how a top class player goes about their business.
2. Next we will move into the Pavilion where Sam will talk about his journey from Junior Cricketer to Test Match player and take questions from the group.
3. The evening will finish off with drinks and a BBQ. Sam will be available for photos, autographs and to chat throughout the evening.

We hope to see you all there.

*There is a wet weather plan if the great British summer decides to intervene


Sam Robson Cricketing Masterclass

Further reading