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Quarantine Cricket with Adam London - part 3 The Front Foot Drive

Rich Zotov7 Apr 2020 - 07:00
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At the start of week 2 of our series to hone your skills in isolation we look at the Front Foot Drive

We...need to capitalise and make them pay
- Adam London - RCC Director of Cricket

One of the better shots to see when it is executed well. It's a shot we would play to a ball that has been pitched fairly close to us. A straight ball that the bowler may have over pitched and got their length slightly wrong. We, as batters ,need to capitalise and make them pay, and to execute the shot well on a regular basis we need a few key points to work on and practice.

  • Head must lead to the ball first
  • Front foot will follow that line
  • Make sure you have a measured stride (not too big or too small)
  • Solid base, we need to be able to generate maximum power from this base
  • Don't show the bowler too much of your back shoulder - stay SIDE ON
  • Let your hands come down on the line of the ball and next to your pad/leg
  • Make contact under your eyes, not too far in front of your pad/leg and head
  • As you make contact your front elbow should point towards the sky presenting the full face of the bat to the ball
  • Hold the shot and admire your great work

Hope you find the drills in the video really helpful. I know professional batters will be practising some of these drills at home while in isolation. So if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for you. Also, as you'll see in the videos, I am using tennis balls in the garden. Please ask your parents if you're allowed to before going ahead with the exercises as I don't want a bill for damage.

Enjoy and good luck!!

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Quarantine Cricket 1: The Pull Shot
Quarantine Cricket 2: Pace Bowling Strength & Conditioning

Further reading