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Quarantine Cricket with Adam London - part 4 Batting Strength and Conditioning

Rich Zotov12 Apr 2020 - 07:00
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This is the fourth in the series, the second on S&C. Perfect for power hitting.

Get it done in the sun!!
- Adam London - RCC Director of Cricket

Hello everyone,

In this second strength and conditioning (S&C) session of the series with Nick, we concentrate on strengthening activities for batters. Again, it will benefit everyone, so bowlers and keepers give it a go too. Too often we turn up at the start of the season just expecting to be in the right physical shape to carry on where we left off. In my experience, the right strength and conditioning preparation can significantly increase your chance of delivering that big innings at the start of the season. Take advantage of the lockdown and get yourself ready for action!

These four exercises are designed to improve power, speed, agility and core strength. 30 second rest in between each set. Watch the video to ensure that you have the right form.

1. Speed Skaters - lateral movements with speed, jumping from one foot to the other, keeping back foot off the floor and front knee bent and bringing your arm across your body. 20 (10 each side) x 3.

2. Lunge Knee Drives - lunch backwards with your knee to the floor and then driving your knee up with power and speed. 8 each side x 3 sets.

3. Power Press Up with Side Plank - press up position and push up with maximum power and then turn into a side plank with your arm reaching up and working your core. 3 sets of 4.

4. Chest to Floor Burpees - chest to the floor, jump your feet back and push up, stand and into a jump. 3 sets of 6.

Hope you find this session beneficial. Get it done in the sun!!

Stay safe, stay home.


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Quarantine Cricket 3: The Front Foot Drive
Quarantine Cricket 2: Bowling Strength & Conditioning
Quarantine Cricket 1: The Pull Shot

Further reading