Membership Overview
New joiners, you are very welcome!
We have one of the largest and friendliest junior sections in South West London. We welcome all new members (boys and girls) and volunteers. We strike a balance between cricket for all and player development. We have about 450 juniors playing cricket with many of our age groups running multiple teams in various leagues.
We have not capped numbers in the club. However, as numbers continue to grow we are determined to ensure that we have the right coaching ratios to deliver the right experience for all of our players. If registrations exceed 50 in any age-group we will cap memberships unless we are able to identify suitably qualified additional coaches to maintain standards.
Please click here to register your child's membership.
Membership Benefits
Your child’s Richmond junior membership includes:
2025 Membership Costs
The 2025 membership categories are:
Additionally there will be a £5 match fee for each knock-out cup game for U13s and higher age groups along with a £5 match fee for all summer league matches for all age groups both of which are beyond the scope of the regular season offer.
We believe our membership prices are highly competitive, particularly in respect of the volume of match opportunities open to our junior members. We also aim to ensure that the club is open to the whole community.
All U6s, U7s & U9s will be given a voucher for a free Richmond match shirt for their first full season of competitive league cricket. Please ask the Mini's Coordinator or U9 Age Group Manager for yours once you've paid.
Where a family is financially disadvantaged (e.g. qualifies for Pupil Premium or other similar circumstances), subscriptions may be reduced. Please contact the Juniors' Chair, Greg Tijerina, who will treat all requests in confidence.
How To Pay
Payments are made online via Pitchero here. If the right membership option is not available to you or you need help, please contact Fiona Peter, our membership secretary.
2025 Age Groups
To work out your child’s age group - please use the age ranges set out below.
U6: DoB: 1 September 2018 - 31 August 2019 (Year 1)
U7: DoB: 1 September 2017 - 31 August 2018 (Year 2)
U8: DoB: 1 September 2016 - 31 August 2017 (Year 3)
U9: DoB: 1 September 2015 - 31 August 2016 (Year 4)
U10: DoB: 1 September 2014 - 31 August 2015 (Year 5)
U11: DoB: 1 September 2013 - 31 August 2014 (Year 6)
U12: DoB: 1 September 2012 - 31 August 2013 (Year 7)
U13: DoB: 1 September 2011 - 31 August 2012 (Year 8)
U14: DoB: 1 September 2010- 31 August 2011 (Year 9)
U15: DoB: 1 September 2009 - 31 August 2010 (Year 10)
U17: DoB: 1 September 2008 - 31 August 2009 (Year 11/12)
NOTE: We run mixed cricket from U6 to U8 and separate Boys and Girls cricket from U9 and above.
Registration Guide
Each age group uses three, free online services to keep in touch. Please sign up to each using the instructions below.
Please sign up via the Pitchero App or the Pitchero Website and follow these steps:
Play Cricket
Please sign up via the Play Cricket Live App or the Play Cricket Website and follow the steps below.
Please note if you already have an account, you may sign in to Play Cricket with that login instead of creating a new account.
Please ask your Age Group Manager to add you to the squad WhatsApp group.
That’s it! Do ask your Age Group Manager or an existing member if you have any trouble signing up or using any service.